Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Math Graph (Line)

Today at our class we collected our data of our temperatures in February using Google Sheets.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

How to make Play Dough

2 Cups of Flour
½ Cup Salt
2 Tbsp Oil
2 Tbsp Cream of Tartar
2 Cups Boiling Water
1 Tsp Food Colouring

1) Mix all dry ingredients.
2) Add oil and boiling water with colouring and mix well.
3) Store is airtight container.

How to make St Patrick’s Play Dough

I really had a happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Yesterday on the 18th of March for St Patrick's my class and I made play dough. We were all divided into 5 groups.

The first thing we did was to wear a glove to help us knead the green dough. We put 2 Cups of Flour in the bowl then ½ a cup of Salt, and 2 Tbsp of cream of tartar. We added  2 Tbsp of Oil, 1 Tsp of Food Colouring and mixed it well. Ms George poured in. 2 Cups of Boiling water.

We  mixed it until it became a  sticky texture . We added  more flour until it wasn’t as sticky. We kept kneading the dough wearing our gloves so our hands didn’t turn green. Our playdough was still very sticky so we kept  adding more and more flour  until it became play dough.

Me and my friends rubbed our hands so the dough can get off of our hands. We all take turns kneading the dough. When it was ready  we had to roll it like a ball so all the dough wouldn’t stick in the bowl.  Once it becomes softer you can do any shapes you want.

Yesterday was a good day of making play dough.